Current projects



Twin studies show that differences in decision making are partially explained by genetic factors. However, establishing the causality of particular decision making genes has been challenging. We have recently shown that C. elegans makes value-based decisions (choices between options based on an internal assessment of their "subjective value"). We are now developing C. elegans as a new model system for the functional analysis of decision making genes in a small circuit of neurons found to be necessary for value-based decision making.


Endocannabinoids and decision making

Endocannabinoid signaling is an ancient and highly conserved system that plays a critical role in energy balance and homeostasis in many animal species. We utilize C. elegans to study how the endocannabinoid system regulates appetite and feeding decisions, including the molecular pathways and neural circuits through which endocannabionoids modify behavior.

Psychedelics and mental health

Growing clinical evidence suggests that psychedelics are effective in the treatment of many psychiatric diseases but further development of these drugs is necessary to make them widely available. We investigate the genetic basis of psychedelic effects on behavior and neuroanatomy in C. elegans. The goal of this project is to deepen our understanding of the mode of action of psychedelic drugs, a critical step in making them safer and more effective in the treatment of psychiatric disease.


Technique development

The Lockery lab has a long track record of coming up with novel techniques in electrophysiology, calcium imaging, molecular genetics, microfluidics, behavior and more. Recent highlights include microfluidic devices for electrical measures of nematode health and a microfluidic device for DNA injections in microorganisms.


Shawn Lockery is co-founder of InVivo Biosystems, Inc., a University of Oregon spinout. The company was launched in 2011 to commercialize microfluidic systems for drug screening using electrophysiological measures of nematode health.

InVivo Biosystems now provides essential services to help pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, biotechnology companies and academic research institutions around the globe accelerate their research and drug discovery efforts. The company creates custom genome edited C. elegans and zebrafish models to enable aging and other disease studies. In addition, InVivo Biosystems provides in vivo analytical services to produce data and insights for companies that need to make go/no-go decisions quickly in early-stage development of new compounds.